Hello! I’m Benjamin Liu, a passionate Software Engineering student at Concordia University with a strong foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical application, evidenced by a solid GPA of 3.76. My academic journey began at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montréal, where I delved into Pure and Applied Sciences, cultivating a deep-rooted interest in technology and innovation.

Technical Skills:
I bring a versatile skill set to the table, including proficiency in C#, Python, Java, Arduino, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, and Git. These skills are complemented by my ability to communicate fluently in French and English, alongside conversational proficiency in Mandarin, allowing me to thrive in diverse environments.

Work Experience:
In 2023, I took on a role with Patrouille Verte ÉcoQuartier Lasalle, where I was instrumental in promoting environmental awareness. My responsibilities ranged from organizing events and delivering presentations to content creation for social media and contributing to website design.

My dedication to applying theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios led me to win the Best Integration Project at CEGEP in 2023. This project involved the design and development of a miniature firetruck, complete with an algorithm for autonomous navigation and flame extinguishment. Additionally, my innovative approach to problem-solving earned our team 2nd place in the McGill RoboHacks 2024, where we developed a sustainable sea cleaning robot prototype.

Outside the realm of software engineering, I enjoy cycling, running, and indulging in music. My musical talents are evidenced by achieving First Class Honours in RCM Level 8 Music Theory and Honours in RCM Level 8 Violin.

Connect with Me:
Feel free to explore my projects here or on GitHub or connect with me on LinkedIn. Whether you’re interested in discussing potential collaborations, sharing insights, or simply connecting, I’m open to exploring new opportunities and ideas.